how to know when to quit your job



Career Coach Darci

Career & Confidence Coach

Quitting your job can be a lot of things – exciting, scary, exhilarating, dreadful. But, before that moment when it’s time to put in your two weeks notice, there’s a whole process of knowing if it’s time to leave that gig in the first place. In Darci’s final lesson, she helps you think through how to know when the time is right to move on to greener pastures in your career.

onomy’s pick: 4 Day Week

On the lookout for a job with a 4-day work week? Set the ultimate boundary for yourself–cementing *no more* than 4 working days a week–by checking out one of our absolute favorite websites, They have job listings across the globe for all sorts of companies that give your life more weekend. Take Darci’s advice to heart and apply with confidence!